
Undertale Ink! Sans x Reader- Colours of Emotions

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Skull-Chick-of-Roses's avatar

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A/N: Ok your around 18-19 in this and average hight. (the same as Ink) Ok hope you guys enjoy! My first Undertale AU x Reader!


It was a regular weekend for you, the sun was shining, birds were singing and the flowers blooming. On days like these, people like you, like to spend the day out and go for a walk. Monsters had come to the surface from Mt Ebott, and that didn't bother you. They were all really friendly, in your opinion.

So as you were walking down the path, the bright green trees growing in lines and passing as you went by, the breeze making the trees and emerald green grass sway in sync and was some what soothing. But to your dismay, it blew off your (f/c) hat! 

"Ah! Shit, come back here!" You exclaimed, as you chased off after your hat. Down the foot path you ran, dodging the people on your way and trying not to run into any of them. 

Then the wind suddenly died down, so your pace slowed down into a speed walk. Finally coming to a stop, your hat ended up infront of a display of artworks. They where on different easels, evenly spaced out for people to look at. They were simply gorgeous! So curiosity swept over you making you approach them, forgetting the hat for now. You were simply mesmerized, seeing the colours mixed making the perfect picture.

Wondering around, you mesmerized every detail for each one. "These are amazing....." you breathed, gaining the attention of a certain skeleton. Raising his head from his sketch book.

"You a fan of art?" a voice called out behind one of the paintings, startling you and making you knock over a easel PLUS the paining. "Ah!" You squeaked, trying to catch the falling painting. To your luck, it was caught by the stranger from just then. For now anyways, his face was hidden by the canvas.

"Oh my god, I'm SO sorry. I'm such a cluz, wasn't damaged right?" You asked worriedly, checking over the painting at least 100 times.

"Whoa its ok! No sweat, its fine" The voice said calmly.

"W-wha, you sure uh..." You stuttered, trying to poke your head around the large canvas. Trying to see the face of this stranger.

Noticing this, he said "Oh, haha sorry. Le'me put this down" He laughed, placing the easle back up and then the canvas was out of the way.

Revealing a average hight looking skeleton, around the same hight as you, with a brown scarf as big as him. You assumed it was a 'he'. His eyes were interesting, one was a blue pupil in the left eye socket, and a bright yellow star was in the right one. He had black ink on his left cheek bone, and is wearing a blue jacket with fluff on the edge of the hoodie hung around his hips, a black long sleeved t-shirt with blue lines on the sleeves and thats over the light creamy shirt. Upon the shirt is a protector attached to his chest, and has a belt crossing his chest, with what looked like coloured bones attached on it. His pants which have the same colour scheme as his sleeves, on the pants he wears light brown shorts. He's wearing sportshoes with a cheetah print upon the sides and on his hands are some fingerless gloves. On his back, is what you think is a huge ass looking weapon, a paintbrush.

Noticing that your staring at his appearence, he blushes the colours of the rainbow. This intrigued you, but noticing that you were staring you fainlty blushed too.

"O-oh sorry for staring, its just your appearence is....uh. UNIQUE!" You rambled on, while he's slightly chuckling to himself. Until you finally stoped, he asked you a question.

"So as I said earlier, are you a fan of art?" He smiled, as you looked at him dumb founded. Eventually your mind came back to earth and answered.

"H-huh? O-Oh yeah! I love it. Although I'm not very good at it..." You replied laughing nervously, rubbing the back of your neck.

"What!? I bet your great!" He exclaimed happily, making the blush on your cheeks grow deeper.

"Well, I dunno about that. Oh! by the way my names Y/N. Whats yours? Sorry for the late introduction" You smiled, making the skeleton gasp at his own rudness.

"I'm sorry! My names Ink! Pleasure to meet you Y/N, thats a nice name you have" Ink stated, and his comment made you freez and feel embarrassed

'God damn it! Keep it together N/N!'

You smiled, that made Ink stare. Seeing you smile like that, made him feel wierd in his ribcage. He blushed again. You were flushed pure red at this point.

"T-Thats a pretty neat name you have yourself!" You complemented back, making the skeleton laugh nervously. Then to your suprise and shock, he barfed up black ink!

"Whoa are you ok!?" You exclaimed, getting up next to him and putting a hand on his shoulder. Making Ink flinch from the contact, but he laughed nervoulsy.

"Hehe yeah I'm fine, this just happens" He replied bluntly, and you raised an eyebrow at that. 

"Mhm" You hummed in response, "Well anyways, you got some amazing artworks. Wish I was that good" You breathed, looking around at them once more.

"Thanks! And I bet you are not so bad yourself." Ink trailed off for a moment, then he sighed. 

"So would you like to sit down and draw with me?" He asked, looking very serious about it. Its not like you had anything better to do, and plus, this particular skeleton was growing on you.

"Sure! I might learn a thing or two from you so" You replied confidently, making the said skeleton grin. 

"O-K! I'll get the stuff ready for you!" He claimed enthusiastically, walking back and doing what he said. Ink's enthusiasm made you giggle, then you remembered your hat. So walking back to were you saw it last, you found it and picked it up. Placing the item on your head.

"Hey Y/N! Where'd you go?!" Ink called, and you laughed. 

"Coming!" You replied, and went back.

"Oh there you are. Here, an extra sketch pad and drawing tools" He offered you the stuff, and you took it obviously. Sitting down in the chair next to him. 

"Hmm~ what to draw" You hummed, tapping the pencil on your chin in thought. Looking over to Ink, he was drawing what looked like more skeletons like him but different. Then you looked up to Inks face, studying it closely. 

Then an idea came to you. You could draw Ink!

So putting the pencil down to the paper, you started. There was a long, but comfortable silence.

"So Y/N, what'cha drawing?" Ink asked out of the blue, breaking the silence and your concentration. 

"W-wha?" You replyed looking up to Ink. "O-Oh, I'm uh" You muttered, looking down in embarrassment. 

"Huh?" He asked confused, making you sigh. Rasing your sketch pad, showing him the drawing. The shocked skeleton blushed deep rainbow, eyes wide but soon coughed to get your attention.

"S-So your drawing me...?" He confirmed, and you nodded. 

"It was the only thing I could think of. Its bad I know..." You muttered, looking away in embarrassment, putting the pad in your lap. 

"No! Its really good! Besides, I uh. Kinda drew YOU so we're even" Ink chuckled nervously.

This made you look up and stare at Ink wide eyed in astonishment. "M-Me? Really? but....I'm not even THAT pretty..." You muttered lowly, playing with a lock of your h/c hair.

This made Ink gasp, "What? But you ARE pretty, as prettey as a rose!" He exlaimed loudly, and being the slightly shy person you were, you brouht the brim of your hat down to cover your eyes. You were a flustered mess, and Ink, realising what he said, he was also in a state similar to yours.

Inks P.O.V

I realised what I said, and I covered my eyes with my hands. 
'How could I say that if I hardly even know her?!'
But then I thought. 'But I'm not lying. I don't think she's ugly, I think she IS really pretty...beautiful even...' 

I glanced over to Y/N, and she was hiding her eyes. I chuckled at this, smiling genuinely. 

Putting a hand on her shoulder, she flinched at the contact. But Y/N looked up from the brim of her f/c hat, showing those bright e/c eyes.

Your P.O.V

It was a beautiful day out, so I wanted to go to the park for a walk. Then next think I knew, the wind 'blew' me AND my hat away. When I met a stranger, an artist at that. He was very kind and honest.... 

Turns out, we were destend to meet, cause we met up every weekend. Sitting down to talk, draw, or even just chill. Sometimes we would even fall asleep under one of the trees, as I leaned on Ink's shoulder and had peacful dreams.


Its been 6 months, and over that time you have been pondering on something. 

'Do I have a crush on Ink?' 

It made you blush like mad every time it came up, but eventually you made a conclusion. Everything fited together, and so you knew. You had a crush on the Skeleton Artist. 

Signing, you sat on the couch at your place. Today was were going to see Ink tomorrow at the park. Groaning in fustration, and snaping your head back. "Why~?" You wined, "How the hell am I going to tell him..." You questioned your self more and more, until you heared your phone go off....

'OH YES~!'

Yep, that was your text ringtone. Hey, Mettaton is irresistible. 

So picking up your phone you read the text.

To: Y/N
From: Inky!

"Hey Y/N, sorry if I'm bothering you. But I just wanted to let you know, I won't be able to see you tomorrow-"

You paused, 'what?' you thought as you kept reading.

"....I've just gotten I little sick is all, but I should be able to see you next weekend kay. Again sorry I had to cancel. Hope to see you later!


"WHAT?! Are you kidding me?" You screamed, grabbing a near by pillow and shoving it into your face. Screaming into it.

Inks P.O.V -In his realm-

I was sick, really sick. With a fever. Why do you ask? Well thats simple, I have run low out of 'Creativity'. Yeah, thats how I get ill. Pretty pathetic right? Welp! I should be ok for next weekend, I hope. I feel really bad because Y/N was probably looking forward to the hangout.

Sighing, I knew feeling guilty won't help me get better. So I lay there in my bed, looking up at the ceiling. As the floating images of all the AU's surround me, I close my eyes. Only to soon open them when I here my phone go off.

'Ring! Ring! Ring!' 

Someone was calling me.... sighing I picked it up and answered with out looking at the contact details.

"Hello? Ink, you there?" 

It was Y/N, my eye sockets widened a little.

"Y/N, whats up? Sorry I had to cancel" I apologised, and I heared her sigh. I frowned at that.

"Its ok, can I see you? Please?" She asked with a sad tone, and I paused.

'She can't come here...' I thought.

I was stuck, but I HAD to do SOMETHING.

"Ok, I'll come to you. Just hang on" 

"Ok~ sure?" She replied a little confused, and I hanged up. Grabbing my paint brush, and making a portal to her house with as much energy I had left.


Your P.O.V

I was pasing back and forth in my living room, worried sick about Ink. But that soon stoped, as I heared something collapse onto the couch. So I ran over to the couch, and thats when I saw him. Ink.

"Ink! Are you ok?!" I panicked, at his side and supporting him. Making him comfortable, as I put a pillow behind his skull, and a nice warm blanket ontop. 

"H-Hey N/N, sorry about the sudden appearance" He laughed, only to cough violently afterwards. 

"Whoa hey, take it easy. But it is nice to have you so suddenly 'drop' in" You joked, earning a slight chuckle from Ink. 

Normal P.O.V

From that day forward, you looked after Ink. Never letting him out of your sight, until one day he asked a question that honestly startled you.

"Hey Y/N, can I draw you please?" 

You looked up from the book that you where reading, you raised an eyebrow. 

"Now of all times?" You questioned, chuckling in the end. 

"Please~" He whined, making you laugh but you blushed. Sighing as you gave in.

"Ok cutie, heres your stuff" You smiled, bending down and getting his sketch pad that was in the table next to the couch. 

Ink took the items, as he flipped to a new page. Looking over to you he smiled the best smile he could muster.

"Pose for me?" He asked, with a slight blush on his face.

Giggling, you sat in the most elegant pose you could in your chair. And so Ink began to draw, and every sound that the pencil made as it met the paper made you more and more impatient to see how it was going to turn out.

~~3 agonising hours later~~

You had fallen asleep, right in the middle of the damn sketch! So as you were peacfully snoring, Ink suddenly tapped on your shoulder, walking you up. However this startled you enough to make you fall out of your chair. 

"W-wha- AH~!!" 

This made Ink laugh SO hard, his ribcage started to ache. Making you laugh as hard at your own mistake. Until things finally settled down, and you were both fine you sat up, wiping the stray tears from your eyes.

"Well, wasn't that something" You panted, seeing as you were out of breath.

"Pft haha yeah, your a riot N/N" Ink panted.

"So did you finish the sketch?" You asked, and he grinned, standing up off the couch and lending you a hand to get up.

"Yeah, and I feel much better too!" He cheered, as you took his hand and he pulled you up. Resulting you in being pulled right into his chest, and you blushed furiously. 

"So your not sick anymore?" 

"Nope, that was just what I needed!" He answered.

"Thats good, I'm glad" You murmured, as you rested your head on his chest. Now it was HIS turn to blush.

"U-uh Y/N, if you want to see the drawing, you might want to let me go" He said nervously, and you backed off. 

"Oh yeah....sorry hehe" You laughed nervously.

"Thats ok, now close your eyes kay" He said excitedly, and you pouted. Folding your arms as you huffed.

"But I just wanna see it~" You wined.

"Na uh~ you HAVE to close your eyes" Ink protested, and seeing there was no point in arguing, you did as he said.

Closing your eyes, you heared a pages being fliped until it stoped. 

"Ok, you can open them now!" He said childishly, like a five year old opening presents on christmas.

Opening your E/C eyes, you gasped as you saw one of the most gorgeous things you had ever seen in your life.

The picture was a side view of you in your elegant pose, with your H/C falling perfectly on your shoulders, and your hand rested under your chin, with your E/C eyes looking forward, and the smile. The smile was graceful, something like a princess could pull off. Your favourite roses were behind you in the blue background with a gold looking border.

"I-Ink.. Its beautiful" You mumbled, as tears collected themselves in the corners of your eyes. This panicked the skeleton, thinking he upset you. 

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to upset you, I only wanted you to see how I see you through my eyes Y/N" He stated, as he put the picture aside and walked closer to you. 

The comment made you look him straight in the eyes. "Is that how you REALLY see me Ink?" You asked, sobbing in between words. 

Ink blushed, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Of course, every time I see you. You never cease to amaze me, your so beautiful Y/N and I want you to understand that" Ink explained, and from that you suprise huged him, as you threw your arms around his boney neck. Suprised by the gesture, but he hugged you back soon enough. 

"Your my very own master piece, a work of art I always can admire" He added.

Your sobs became louder, but Ink saw to it and rubed your back comfortingly. 

"Shh, its ok. I'm here" He whispered quietly.

There was a pause, but soon Ink walked you over to the couch and sat you in between his legs with your back to him. Wrapping his arms around your waist, and resting his head on your shoulder.

Another pause settled, until you decided to breack the silence.

"Hey Ink?" You started.

"Hmm?" He hummed in response.

"I-I....I need to tell you something" 

"What is it? You can tell me anything" 

"I-I....I uh...." You couldn't say what you wanted to. The words wouldn't come out. Then an idea came to you.

"Can you tell me the meanings of each colour please?" You asked inoccently.

Drawn back by your question, he raised an eyebrow. But agreed to it anyway.

"Uh ok sure! Where would you like me to start?"

"Uh, yellow" 

"Ok, well yellow can have a meaning for happiness and warmth" Ink answered.

"Cool, how about Blue?" 

"Oh starting with primary colours huh? Well blue can be seen as a nutural and calming colour"


"Balance and even jelousy"

"Orange!" You called.

"Oh well that colour can be like 'yellow', when it can also mean happiness or youthfulness" 

You hummed in thought of a new colour, "Uh, purple!" 

Ink laughed, "Purple is for creativity and mystery~" He said dramaticaly to make it sound 'misterious'. That made you giggle.

Then it came down to the more obvious colours. 'Ok, here we go. Don't stuff this up'

"How about~ Pink!"

He blushed at this, "U-uh, pink can be for sensitive and caring...uh, tenderness" 

Then is was down to the last one.

"....T-Then how about red?" You asked.

This made the skeleton artist blush harder, " red is passion, energy, excitment and....a-and...." Ink trailed off...

"A-and what? Ink?" 

"And Love" He finished.

You where now blushing crimson. 

"W-well then, Ink. I have one thing to say..." 

He looked to you, and you turned around to see his face. Facing long ways as your legs rested on his knees. You were both very nervous...but Ink didn't know what was coming. Or so you thought.

"I-Ink I-" You were cut off.

"Colours of the rainbow,
did you know?
My favourite colours red, 
why not another colour instead?
Because red is the colour of Love.
and the one thing I know, is that all I love is you" He breathed, with that calm melodic voice.

But you were so happy, the tears came to your eyes once more. Ink inched closer to your face, soon your lips connected with his teeth. Resembling a passionate 'kiss' as he brought a boney hand to cup your cheek. It lasted a while, but you needed to part for air.

"I love you Y/N" He confirmed, and you chuckled happily. 

"Me too Ink, I love you always" 

It was the happiest day of my life, where I came to accept who I was and my love for this one skeleton that started on that one windy day in the park that blew my mind.

It was time for a new beginning to a fresh chapter of my story......time for me to start over with the love of my life....

To repetitive? ......idk >~<

(A/N: I made that poem up myself! I'm sorry if its shit but ah well!)


OK! Shit this is a long story....hehe oh well! This was my first Undertale AU x Reader! This story just came to me T_T

So I'm sorry if I got Ink's character wrong but I looked him up and did some research. But hey I hope you guys enjoy and don't forget to leave a comment or some friendly advice!

Ink! Sans (c) to its rightful owner, I don't own him or the AU
Undertale (c) Toby Fox
and I don't own the image either! 
Just the story!

Now I'm gonna go cause its almost 1:00 in the morning so bye!
© 2016 - 2024 Skull-Chick-of-Roses
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CarolineCCUwU's avatar

This is so good!